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En blogg för engelska 5, 6, & 7 på Widénska Gymnasiet

English 7 Friday w36

Publicerad 2013-09-05 13:13:00 i Engelska 7,

1. “Show and tell”
Present your clip and your research to your group. Ethos, pathos & logos

2. Vocabulary check: Style figures

3. Watch (and read) Obama´s inaugural speech.


4. Point out style figures used in the speech. Use your notes from the previous lesson. In addition to the transcribed speech there are explanations to the contents.

Write your speech analysis in a word document and send it to your teacher ([email protected], [email protected]).

5. Write a short speech approx. 200-250 words:
A Pep-talk, speech of thanks, wedding speech, birthday speech……
Use the style figures you like or think fit with your speech. Also write notes on body language, tone of voice etc. that you will keep in mind when you “give your speech” (which you will do next week)


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