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En blogg för engelska 5, 6, & 7 på Widénska Gymnasiet

And after listening - some reading

Publicerad 2013-11-08 12:26:00 i Allmänt,


Assignment: Act it out

Publicerad 2013-09-27 12:36:00 i Allmänt,

* You are to read the extracts from the different plays and sketches and in groups of 2-3 students choose one of the scenes and act it out next Friday.


Read it several times, discuss your understandings of the text and what you need to consider when acting it (two of the texts include more than three characters  so if you choose one of these someone might have to perform two roles).


Towards the end of the book you have questions that might help you understand your text even better.


* Before your performance, do an introduction. Present characters and setting and anything else that might be of importance for your audience.


* Afterwards, you might want to present how you prepared for the task. How did you interpret the text and what impact did that have on the performance (choosing tone, pauses, body language etc.)?



Plays/Sketches to choose from


·      Argument

·      Giovanni’s cafe

·      The Dead Parrot

·      P’tang, Yang, Kipperbang

·      Dear Nobody

·      A taste of honey

·      End of the line

·      Always in love with Amy




Here are some examples of how the grading criteria could be interpreted:


”I muntliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig…..”


For example your flow, intonation and pronunciation.



”Eleven kan även formulera sig med flyt ochanpassning
till syfte, mottagare och situation….”


This is how your presentation and performance of the piece that you have staged are evaluated.



”Dessutom kan eleven välja och använda strategier som löser problem i och förbättrar interaktionen…”


Show your ability to solve a situation and what strategies you use if you or someone for instance forget the lines.



”Eleven visar sin förståelse
 genom att redogöra för, diskutera, kommentera och dra slutsatser om innehåll och detaljer samt genom att med agera utifrån budskap och instruktioner i innehållet…”

This is where your skills to understand the context and how you take part in discussions are evaluated. Your ability to act upon instructions is also important.

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