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En blogg för engelska 5, 6, & 7 på Widénska Gymnasiet

Reflection Project Work

Publicerad 2014-02-17 15:23:00 i Engelska 7,

Reflection Project Work

Your abstract of your project work is a short, strict summary with nothing more than the essentials. But now we want you to write reflect on your project. What did you learn, aspects that worked out well issues you would tackle in another way if you were to do it again. Structure your essay properly and use min. 250 words and max. 400 words. You could consider aspects like:

• Thoughts on your choice of topic – Are you happy with the topic itself? What were the reasons behind your choice? Would approach it in a different way if you were to do it again? Would you choose a different topic altogether?

• Planning your work – How well have you planned your work? Did you start in time? Was it more work than you thought or maybe the other way around?

• Method – What method(s) did you use, anything you would change if given a new chance (like interviews rather than observations or a survey?)

• Learnings – What did you learn in the process? Anything that surprised you? Do you have any advice for the students who will try this out next year?

• Performance – Are you happy with your results? If you work in a group did it work out? Are you satisfied with your own contribution to the group? And what about your group members’ contribution?


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